Discipleship Tools
The heart of discipleship is simple: trusting and loving Jesus, knowing and living His Word, and helping others do the same.
These resources are here to help you do that.
Core Bible Study Tools.
As we learn the Word, live the Word, and help others do the same, we fulfill the Great Commission Christ gave us (Matthew 28:18-20).
Bibles (Plural).
The first Bible study tool you need is the Bible itself, and ideally in more than one translation. Studying multiple translations can expose you to a fuller range of meaning and nuance in the original language that does not come through a single English translation. Some solid translations to consider are the ESV, NIV, NASB, and NKJV. All of these can be read or listened to for free in the YouVersion app.
Beyond the Bible itself, a good concordance is one of the most basic and helpful Bible study tools. A concordance will help you find Bible verses, cross reference verses, do word studies, study Biblical themes, and more. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible is perhaps the best concordance on the market and is an excellent resource for any serious student of the Bible. BibleHub also has free concordances online.
Bible Dictionaries.
Bible dictionaries are for looking up definitions of Biblical words, which often have a different, deeper, or more nuanced meaning than we might assume based on modern English. Vines Bible Dictionary is a great tool to help you learn the meaning of Biblical words in the original languages. BibleHub serves as an excellent free online Bible dictionary as well.
Nothing can substitute for your own personal reading, study, and meditation on the Scripture. However, throughout Scripture God also makes it clear that He raises up teachers of His Word who are uniquely gifted and called to help the Church better understand his Word (ex: Romans 12:7, Ephesians 4:11-14, 1 Timothy 4:13, 1 Timothy 5:17). This is part of why you are strongly encouraged to have your thinking challenged and refined by reading commentaries by other gifted teachers of God’s Word. A few are mentioned on our recommended reading page.
Pastor’s Note: At Colomokee we believe the Bible is divinely inspired, absolutely authoritative, and inerrant in the original manuscripts. While we heartily affirm the use of Bible study tools, commentaries, and other resources, we do not view them on the same level as Scripture itself. The Bible is totally without parallel, is itself the Word of God, and all other resources are mere tools to help us better discern, understand, and live the truths of Scripture.
Exceptional Video Tools.
The Bible Project.
The Bible Project has produced a vast library of excellent animated videos (also available on Youtube) and has done an exceptional job of leading younger generations to deeply engage the Bible. Their emphasis is on helping you grasp the Bible cover-to-cover as a unified story that leads to Jesus. Let alone the New Testament, their material will also help you far better understand the Old Testament and will significantly develop your understanding of how historical context and original languages contribute to a proper understanding of Biblical texts.
Look at the Book.
In Look at the Book’s short videos, the goal is to help you learn to read the Bible well by modeling it for you. In each relatively short video, a brief passage is carefully, closely, and diligently examined onscreen. As you listen to John Piper walk through the text, cross-reference related texts, and watch him take notes onscreen, you will increasingly learn to see the treasures of the Bible for yourself. You will find “a treasure hunt that never ends, and that rewards you at every step,” where “the more you find, the more you are able to find, and it’s all from the mouth of God Himself.”
The Navigators.
Colomokee Tools.
The following resources have been created by our pastor to help Colomokee purse the “Marvel, Keep, Grow” mission and develop healthy, strong, growing and fruitful followers of Jesus. They have typically been used in our gatherings, paired with teaching and preaching, or support individual or small group discipleship efforts. Contact Josh if you want direction on how to get the most of this material. More tools are added as they are created. Click or tap the title of the tool to download.
“THE Question”
(AKA “Bible Goggles”)
Stay Biblically grounded and stand firm by asking “Well, what does the Scripture say?”
Reading Like a Detective
Better discern the context and real life events surrounding NT letters.
Reading Letters Closely
Read the NT letters more closely and grow your insight into their content.
By What Method?
Learn a thorough method for reading, studying, understanding & applying the NT letters.
Meditating on Scripture
Experience transforming fellowship with God and power in prayer — wisdom from George Muller.
Mission Filter
Carefully and strategically evaluate your priorities, projects, and ministry activities.
3 Circles of Discipleship
Deepen your understanding of Biblical, church-centered discipleship.
Gospel Transformed Relationships
Carefully reflect on how knowing Christ and His gospel has transformed your relationships.
Pray. Watch. Rejoice!
See God at work around you as you practice a Biblical, energizing, & worshipful pattern of prayer.
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Discipleship tools are added here as they are created and used with the church.