Christ's Handiwork at Colomokee

This is the 4th in a series of short “blog posts” to help refresh and refocus our sense of mission.

I can clearly remember what struck me most about Colomokee when I first started filling in.

And these days I'm careful to watch and listen to those who are newer among us. I try to see what strikes them most about our fellowship.

And also, among all our members, I try to watch, listen, and maintain a feel for what you appreciate most about one another.

As I have seen with my own eyes and heard from others, 3 qualities rise to the top that most strongly characterize you as a church.

First, there is an earnest, mature, and Christ-like love present at Colmokee. You love each other well. Your service to one another is marked by deep concern and care. You speak well of one another. You don't gossip about each other. You build each other up with your words. You truly are a loving spiritual family!

Second, you are faithful to the Bible. You are submitted to its authority. Across the church, folks are deeply engaged in the Word, deeply loyal to the Scripture, and diligent about preserving, protecting, and proclaiming it in our fellowship.

Third, there is strong, healthy, and genuinely mature leadership in the church. Biblical leadership is modeled well, in Biblically appropriate ways, in both men and women. There is a deep, well-earned trust in the congregation, in those placed in formal positions of leadership, and in those who are simply faithful people of influence.

There is more I could point to, but these top the list by a wide margin. I praise God for them, thank God for them, and pray that He grows them even more.

Tonight, I affirm and praise these qualities in you. And tonight I invite you to continue to guard and intentionally cultivate these together! They are rare, precious, and extraordinary expressions of Christ's handiwork at Colomokee!

Pastor Josh

Links to Other Posts in This Series
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3


Experiencing Transforming Fellowship with God and Power in Prayer … Through Meditating on Scripture.


On a Mission from God - Part 3