Current Schedule Updates and Response to COVID-19

We Are Meeting Sunday Mornings at 11:00 and Sunday Evenings at 6:00.

Summary: Sunday mornings and evenings are back in full swing, minus the element of congregational singing. We tentatively plan to relaunch Sunday School in May.

—— Details and guidelines for in person gatherings. ——

Based on guidance from our governor’s office, the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, and the input of many in the church, we have created a simple set of guidelines to protect one another’s health when we gather.

There are 3 guidelines:

  1. Please do not attend service if you are not feeling well, have a fever, or have recently had direct contact with someone who likely has or is confirmed to have COVID-19.

  2. You are encouraged, but not required, to wear a mask. The fellowship hall has an audio feed and is reserved for those who wish to be around those who keep their mask on for the entire service. We also have spare masks on hand if you want to wear one, but didn’t bring one. Please feel free to do what you feel most comfortable with regarding wearing a mask.

  3. We are practicing social distancing. Please be careful and aware of others as you enter and exit the building. Please sit by family (or those you live with), leaving 6 feet between you and others. We have 6 ft. intervals marked in the sanctuary to help with this. Please refrain from handshakes and hugs when we meet.

In all these things, we want to extend an attitude of grace and care toward one another. We want to look not only to our own interests, but also to the interests of each other (Philippians 2:4).

If you are not yet comfortable with the health risks of returning to church, that’s okay! We encourage you to come as soon as you are ready. If you are rip-roaring and ready to go, come on down! We just ask that you follow the guidelines as an act of love and service to those around you.

Specifics for Sunday Evening Services

Sunday evening services follow the same guidelines. We meet in the sanctuary, practice social distancing, and masks are optional.

When will things be “normal” again?

The best we can tell, COVID-19 is going to significantly impact how the world operates well into 2021. Some changes might even be permanent. So, it’s probably more accurate to say that we are working toward a “new normal”.

This includes how we’ll be doing church, too. We do not know exactly how long it will take to put all our ministries and meetings back into place. What we do know is that this will be a slow process. It will take time. It depends on a lot of variables, and things will probably look a little different for a while.

It will also be a collaborative process, and we welcome your ideas and input along the way!

That being said, please bear with us as we carefully put things back in place – like the nursery, Sunday School, fourth Sunday meals, and the rest of our activities. God willing, we’ll get there! Please give it time and graciously bear with one another as we continue this journey together.

Here are a few more precautions we are taking…

There are a few other things the church is doing to protect everyone’s health and safety:

  • We are not yet singing as a congregation during Sunday morning or evening services.

  • Offering baskets are placed at all entrance doors to the sanctuary to drop in your tithes and offerings before and after service.

  • We are not passing out printed bulletins.

  • Hand sanitizer is provided at all entrance doors to the sanctuary.

  • We have spare masks for those who need them.

In short…

At Colomokee, we are slowly rebuilding our habit of gathering in-person.


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